
From Chaos to Calm: Year-End Digital Declutter Tips

I'm Chloe!

Former career girl turned full-time mama and advocate for embracing life's simple pleasures. Sharing the joys of motherhood, creative discoveries, and heartfelt inspiration to brighten your own journey.

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As we approach the end of the year, it’s the perfect time to declutter and organize our digital lives. Amidst the chaos of countless emails, a cluttered phone, and a Google Drive resembling a virtual maze, all of us can benefit greatly from a digital reset. Allow me to take you on a little journey from chaos to calm with these practical tips… I promise it won’t be as painful as you may think!

Schedule a time on your calendar to get it all done in one day, or break each step into a daily challenge for the next two weeks! Whichever way you do it, your future self will thank you for taking the time to declutter your digital world!

Email Inbox:

  • Unsubscribe from Unnecessary Emails:
    We can often find our inboxes flooded with newsletters and promotional emails, especially towards the end of the year when holiday shopping is in full force. Take a moment to unsubscribe from those that no longer serve a purpose, clearing the way for a cleaner inbox. I love using the tool Unroll.Me for this because you can get it done in record time and it’s a great tool for continuing to manage this in the future! If there was ONE thing you do out of this entire list, do this. It was the most impactful way for me to declutter my digital space.
  • Create Folders for Categories:
    Bring order to your inbox by setting up folders for different categories. Whether it’s school communications, family updates, or personal emails, categorizing messages makes finding information a breeze.
  • Archive or Delete Old Emails:
    Bid farewell to old, unnecessary emails by archiving or deleting them. A clutter-free inbox allows you to focus on what truly matters and ensures important messages are easily accessible. I learned about Inbox Zero when I was working and getting hundreds of emails a day. It quickly became the ONLY way for me to manage my inbox and it gives me SO much peace. If you are interested in learning about this and how to implement I found a great article on what it is and how you can implement it in just 15 minutes!


  • Organize Contacts:
    Review and organize your contacts by deleting duplicates and outdated entries. Create groups for family, friends, and work contacts, streamlining your communication channels.
  • App Cleanup:
    Simplify your digital life by uninstalling apps that no longer serve a purpose. This not only frees up valuable storage space but also declutters your app menu.
  • Set Up Notifications:
    Customize notifications for essential contacts and apps. By doing so, you’ll stay informed without being overwhelmed by a constant stream of alerts. Here’s an article by Apple that walks you through how to do this on an iPhone.

Google Drive:

  • Folder Structure:
    Bring order to your virtual workspace by creating a clear folder structure on Google Drive. Whether it’s family documents, work-related files, or personal projects, organized folders make retrieval a breeze.
  • File Naming Convention:
    Implement a consistent file naming convention to enhance searchability. This small step can save significant time when looking for specific documents.
  • Use Shared Folders:
    Collaborating with family or colleagues? Utilize shared folders on Google Drive for seamless access and editing of important documents. Here’s an article showing you how to create and use a shared folder in Google Drive.

Digital Photos:

  • Organize Photo Albums:
    Create a visually pleasing and organized photo gallery by arranging photos into albums or folders based on events or time periods. I personally love creating albums on my iPhone and you can learn to do that here.
  • Delete Blurry or Unnecessary Photos:
    Trim down your photo collection by regularly deleting blurry or unnecessary pictures. Not only does this save storage space, but it also ensures your memories are of the highest quality.

Calendar and Reminders:

  • Sync Family Calendars:
    Keep everyone on the same page by using a shared calendar for family events and activities. Sync it across devices for effortless coordination or create a routine with your spouse to sit down once a week and review the week ahead.
  • Set Reminders:
    Leverage reminder apps to stay on top of important tasks and events. This ensures that nothing falls through the cracks in your busy schedule. When I was still getting used to life with a baby, I would set reminders for myself to do things that weren’t quite second nature like when to wake the baby, when to pump, when to start the bath, etc!

Password Management:

  • Use a Password Manager:
    Secure your online accounts by using a password manager. This not only enhances security but also simplifies the login process. I personally love 1Password and use it for everything!

Incorporating these digital declutter tips into your year-end routine will leave you with a sense of calm and control as you step into the new year. Embrace the opportunity to create a more organized and efficient digital space, making room for what truly matters.

Here’s to a clutter-free and tranquil digital life!

For additional organization tips and inspiration, don’t forget to explore my other blogs on this subject – you can find them all here!

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Hi, I'm Chloe.
The girl on the other side of this blog.

I'm a wife, proud mom to my Ruby Rose, and a sunny resident of Carlsbad, CA. When I'm not busy chasing the joys of motherhood, you'll find me in the company of my loyal sidekick, Ollie – my English Cream Golden Retriever, who has his own special spot in my heart. After countless friends and family members kept asking me where I got that unique piece or awesome dupe, I had a lightbulb moment – why not share all these discoveries with the world? That's how this blog came to life, where I spill on my latest finds and experiences as a new mom to inspire, connect, and make your life easier.

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