
Gratitude Journaling: A Thanksgiving Tradition

gratitude journaling
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As the Thanksgiving season approaches, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the things we are thankful for. While it’s wonderful to express gratitude verbally, there’s a timeless and transformative practice that can deepen your sense of appreciation: gratitude journaling. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of keeping a gratitude journal and how it can become a meaningful Thanksgiving tradition for you and your loved ones.

Why Gratitude Journaling?

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the small moments of joy and the things we often take for granted. Gratitude journaling provides a space to consciously acknowledge and appreciate these aspects of our lives. By putting pen to paper, you not only capture fleeting moments but also create a tangible record of the positive aspects that contribute to your overall well-being. Also, is there anything better than a fresh cup of coffee, your journal, and a cozy moment on the couch before the day starts? No.

Getting Started: Tips for Beginners

If you’re new to gratitude journaling, don’t worry – it’s a simple and flexible practice. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Choose Your Journal
    • Select a notebook that resonates with you. It could be a dedicated gratitude journal with prompts or a blank notebook that allows for free-form expression. If you are one of those people who has a fear of getting started until you can do it perfectly, you may like a journal like this that feels a little less intimidating to commit to considering the brevity and structure of each entry.
  • Set a Regular Time
    • Establish a routine by setting aside a specific time each day to write in your gratitude journal. Whether it’s in the morning with your cup of coffee or before bedtime, consistency is key. For me, it helped to also leave it out right by my coffee maker!
  • Be Specific
    • Instead of general statements, be specific about the things you’re thankful for. Rather than saying, “I’m grateful for my family,” try, “I’m grateful for the laughter we shared during tonight’s dinner.”
  • Mix it Up
    • Don’t limit yourself to big moments; appreciate the small victories, unexpected kindness, or moments of beauty in your day-to-day life. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your mind will acknowledge the smaller things in everyday life.

Gratitude Journaling as a Thanksgiving Tradition

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to introduce or reaffirm the practice of gratitude journaling. Here’s how you can make it a special part of your holiday traditions:

  • Family Gratitude Circle
    • Before or after your Thanksgiving meal, gather your family and friends for a gratitude circle. Each person can share something they’re thankful for, creating a positive and heartfelt atmosphere.
  • Gratitude Jar
    • Set up a “gratitude jar” and encourage your guests to write down what they’re thankful for on small pieces of paper. Collect the notes and read them aloud during dessert or the next day. Alternatively, you could tie it in with your table decor and purchase these cute little cards to put on everyone’s place setting for them to fill out prior to sharing.
  • Reflect on the Year
    • Take some time during the Thanksgiving weekend to review your gratitude journal entries from the past year. Reflecting on the positive moments can be a powerful way to end the year on a high note.

The Lasting Impact of Gratitude Journaling

While the holiday season is an excellent time to focus on gratitude, incorporating journaling into your daily routine can have lasting benefits. Studies have shown that practicing gratitude regularly can lead to increased happiness, improved mental health, and stronger relationships.

As we approach Thanksgiving, consider embracing the tradition of gratitude journaling. It’s a simple yet profound practice that can enrich your life and bring a deeper sense of appreciation to this season of thanks.

How do you express gratitude during Thanksgiving? Share your thoughts and experiences with gratitude journaling in the comments below!

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Hi, I'm Chloe.
The girl on the other side of this blog.

I'm a wife, proud mom to my Ruby Rose, and a sunny resident of Carlsbad, CA. When I'm not busy chasing the joys of motherhood, you'll find me in the company of my loyal sidekick, Ollie – my English Cream Golden Retriever, who has his own special spot in my heart. After countless friends and family members kept asking me where I got that unique piece or awesome dupe, I had a lightbulb moment – why not share all these discoveries with the world? That's how this blog came to life, where I spill on my latest finds and experiences as a new mom to inspire, connect, and make your life easier.

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