
Self-Care Ideas for Moms: Making the Most of Every Free Moment

I'm Chloe!

Former career girl turned full-time mama and advocate for embracing life's simple pleasures. Sharing the joys of motherhood, creative discoveries, and heartfelt inspiration to brighten your own journey.

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As a mom, finding time for self-care can sometimes feel like an impossible task. Between feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights, it’s easy to forget about time for YOU. And even when you do find a moment of free time, decision fatigue hits and you just end up mindlessly scrolling social media apps.

Well, that’s where this blog comes in. I started putting together ideas for myself based on what I wanted to FEEL after that time was spent. For example, what would I do if I wanted to feel rested? accomplished? rejuvenated? pampered? socially reconnected? All these things felt so important to me so I wanted to start being more proactive in reclaiming them. Taking even just a few minutes for yourself can make a world of difference in how you feel and how you show up as a mother (and wife, friend, daughter, etc).

That’s why I’m sharing a collection of self-care activities tailored to fit into the busy schedules of moms, organized by the time it takes to do them as well as the desired outcome—whether it’s feeling rested, accomplished, rejuvenated, pampered, or socially reconnected. If you have any additional ideas that I could add to the list, comment in the thread below – I’d love to hear them!


You Have 10 Minutes or Less

  • Deep Breathing Exercise: Take a few moments to practice deep breathing to calm your mind and relax your body. When all else fails, I pull up this guided breathing exercise by Melissa Wood Health and in 10 quick minutes I feel SO much better!
  • Power Nap: Close your eyes and rest for a few minutes, even if it’s just a short power nap to recharge your energy. Try not to stress out if you DON’T fall asleep. I used to always stress out that I “wasted” the time until I realized that even just resting my eyes and body was beneficial.
  • Take a Hot Shower: This one is especially helpful when you feel like you’ve been in fight or flight mode all day. Sometimes I use a shower as a way to recalibrate and allow myself to fully let go of everything I’ve been carrying and just relax as the hot water “washes” everything away.
  • Cuddle Sesh with your Fur Baby: Don’t overlook the power of just crawling up next to your fur baby and listening and feeling the rhythm of their breath. There have been actual studies that show that simply petting your dog lowers the stress hormone, cortisol.

IMPORTANT TIP: If you do these while you are home (and your baby is safely in the care of your spouse), get these earplugs or throw in some noise-canceling AirPods. Trust me. You’d be surprised how much quicker your body can shift out of reactive mode and into a more restful mode when you can’t hear their whines, cries, babbles, etc. It’s human nature… if you hear them make a noise you are going to want to go tend to them. But just trust that they are safe in your partner’s care. You deserve this moment for yourself!

You Have an Hour

  • Take a Hot Bath: Fill the tub with warm water, add some relaxing bath salts or bubbles, maybe light some candles, and soak away the stress and tension.
  • Practice Yoga or Pilates: Follow a guided yoga or Pilates session to stretch your muscles, improve flexibility, and promote relaxation. If I have an hour, I will typically try to get myself out of the house to go to a yoga/pilates studio nearby. The act of leaving the house helps me feel more like this is my time.. but if you can’t leave the house, pulling up a free youtube video can still do the trick!
  • Read a Book: Settle down with a good book that you’ve been wanting to read, allowing yourself to escape into another world for a while. Try not to choose a book about business, or an achievement-oriented book… go for something like fiction to truly rest your go go go brain! I’m a big Colleen Hoover fan so if you are looking for a book I’d highly suggest you check hers out!
  • Go for a Walk: Take a leisurely stroll around your neighborhood or a nearby park to get some fresh air, clear your mind, and enjoy nature.
  • Enjoy a Nap: Allow yourself to indulge in a longer nap if you’re feeling particularly tired, giving your body the rest it needs to recharge. Grab your barefoot dreams blanket, snuggle up, and catch some zzz’s.
  • Watch a Movie or TV Show: Curl up on the couch and watch a favorite movie or binge-watch a few episodes of a TV show to unwind and relax. If you need a good show to binge, I suggest watching Suits.
  • Enjoy Stillness Outdoors: Take yourself somewhere outdoors to just sit and observe. Whether that be the beach, lake, mountains, garden…. Taking time to put your feet on earth and ground yourself is game-changing. There is just something so therapeutic about going to the beach, laying out a blanket in the sand, and watching the waves crash as the sun sets.

You Have 3 or More Hours

  • Plan a Spa Day: Schedule a spa day focusing on relaxing treatments like a Swedish massage, aromatherapy, and a calming facial to soothe your body and mind. Sneak a nap in while you lounge in your robe poolside!
  • Enjoy a Slow-Paced Activity: Engage in an activity that brings you joy and tranquility, such as painting, gardening, baking, or practicing gentle yoga, allowing you to immerse fully in the activity and not worry about rushing through it.
  • Organize a Home Spa Night: Transform your home into a sanctuary of relaxation with a DIY spa night featuring calming scents, soft lighting, and luxurious bath products to pamper yourself. Do that deep conditioning treatment and facemask, girlfriend! 
  • Enjoy a Leisurely Meal: Take your time to prepare and savor a nourishing meal that’s both delicious and comforting, focusing on wholesome ingredients and mindful eating. For me, that’s a big pot of Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup.


You Have 10 Minutes or Less

  • Write in a Gratitude Journal: Take a few moments to jot down three things you’re grateful for, acknowledging your own accomplishments, no matter how small. Have you ever written out a to-do list, and then as you are writing it, you list out something you may have already completed juuuuust so that you can feel the joy of crossing it off after you write it? No? Just me? Haha! Sometimes, when you are achievement-oriented, you just need to celebrate the little things to remind yourself that you ARE doing more than you give yourself credit for.
  • Brain Dump an Action List: You’d be surprised just how much weight you can lift off your shoulders by doing this one. Simply sit down with a notepad and pen (or computer if that’s your thing) and just list it ALLL out… try to think of all the little things you have been meaning to do, that have taken up your mental bandwidth. Getting it all out of your head and onto paper is such a relief and it also makes it so much easier to delegate things that perhaps your spouse can help with. To take this a step further if you have the time, spend a couple of minutes going through your calendar and slot when you plan to do each thing so that you walk away feeling like you’ve got a clear action plan.
  • Organize a Small Space: Tidy up a small area of your home like your spice cabinet to create a sense of order and accomplishment in your environment. Try to focus on something for yourself though! I know it may be tempting to re-organize your kid’s playroom, but do that with them, instead. For this, try to focus on yourself (like organizing your makeup drawer and washing your makeup brushes).
  • Stretch or Exercise: Dedicate a few minutes to stretching your muscles or doing a quick workout, boosting your mood and energy levels while prioritizing your physical well-being. You may be thinking, “Okay, but 10 minutes isn’t a workout, Chloe.” Just trust me. If you do this 10-minute full-body series you’ll instantly feel a sense of accomplishment.
  • Plan for Personal Time: Use your free minutes to schedule some dedicated “me time” in the future, ensuring that you prioritize your own needs and well-being amidst the demands of motherhood. Reach out to your friends or family with some potential dates and get it on the books.

You Have an Hour

  • Exercise and Move Your Body: Dedicate an hour to some kind of physical activity that you enjoy, whether it’s going for a run, practicing yoga, dancing, or taking a fitness class. This will give you an INSTANT boost to your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.
  • Eat the Frog: Take the biggest thing that has been causing you stress or that you’ve been putting off over and over and dedicate one hour to just getting it done!!
  • Pursue a Passion Project: Dedicate an hour to working on a hobby or passion project that brings you joy and fulfillment, whether it’s painting, writing, gardening, or crafting. When Ruby was around 4 months old, I started to get the itch for wanting to explore new endeavors, which is what lead me to start this blog!
  • Clear your Email Inbox: Take a focused hour to declutter and organize your email inbox. Sort through messages, respond to important ones, delete unnecessary emails, and file away any that require further action. Use a tool like to quickly clean up all the newsletters you are subscribed to.
  • Meal Prep for the Week: Dedicate an hour to meal prepping for the upcoming week. Plan out your meals, chop vegetables, cook proteins, and portion out ingredients for easy assembly during busy weekdays. By preparing healthy and delicious meals in advance, you’ll feel accomplished knowing that you’re setting yourself up for success with nutritious eating habits throughout the week.
  • Take an Online Course: Enroll in a short online course or workshop on a topic that interests you, allowing you to expand your knowledge and skills in a particular area of interest.
  • Declutter and Organize: Use your free time to tackle a larger organizing project, such as decluttering a closet or getting your digital space in order (read my blog on this here!). One of my favorite projects to take on when I’m craving a “win” at home is gutting my pantry and putting it back together in an ordered and efficient way. I don’t know why but it really does the trick for me, haha!
  • Read a Book or Listen to a Podcast or Audiobook: Spend an hour immersing yourself in a good book or listening to a Podcast or audiobook on a topic that inspires or interests you.
  • Engage in Reflective Journaling: Sit down to connect and write out your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Take this time to explore your goals, values, and aspirations. Reconnect with yourself, mama!

You Have 3 or More Hours

  • Dive Deep Into The Big Project: Dedicate several hours to working on a larger project that you’ve been wanting to do. Always wanted a home garden? Go to your local nursery to buy plants and soil and make it happen! Feel like your closet needs a cleanout, do the Marie Kondo style edit! Want to create a system to reorganize your digital and print photos? Get after it!
  • Learn a New Skill or Hobby: Use your free time to learn a new skill or hobby that you’ve always wanted to try, whether it’s making candles, gardening, cooking, or starting a blog. Use this time to watch the videos. Go to the workshop. Read the book. Create a plan for when and how you are going to make time for this new hobby in your life and take your first step!
  • Set Some Goals: Set aside time for introspection and reflection, examine your values, strengths, and areas for growth, and set meaningful goals and intentions for your personal and professional life, empowering yourself to create positive change. Motherhood is such a transformative time… there truly is no better time than NOW to do something like this.
  • Do Something Scary: Okay this is a good one. Depending on who you are, there might be something that makes you feel both excited AND intimidated. Dare to be brave and push yourself to do it! Are you a total introvert but longing for some new mom friends? Go to a mom group meet up by yourself and see if you can make a new friend! Looking for a physical challenge for yourself? Sign up for that 5K! Want to start a blog but scared you aren’t “qualified” enough? Take the first step… then the next… then the next. Baby steps lead to incredible things!


You Have 10 Minutes or Less

  • Deep Breathing Exercise: Take a few moments to practice deep breathing to calm your mind and relax your body. When all else fails, I pull up this guided breathing exercise by Melissa Wood Health and in 10 quick minutes I feel SO much better!
  • Take a Nature Break: Step outside for a few minutes and soak up some sunshine and fresh air, connecting with nature and boosting your mood and energy levels. Bonus points… take your shoes off and put your feet in the dirt/grass/ocean for a heightened sense of rejuvenation.
  • Listen to Uplifting Music: Put on your favorite upbeat song and take a few moments to dance or sing along. Who cares if you look crazy! This is a FAST way to lift your spirits and energize your body and mind.
  • Cold Water Reset: Take a quick cold plunge or cold shower to invigorate your body and awaken your senses. The cold water can help boost circulation, reduce inflammation, and increase alertness and energy levels.
  • Aromatherapy: Use essential oils or aromatherapy diffusers to fill your space with calming or invigorating scents, such as lavender or peppermint, to uplift your mood and promote a sense of well-being.

You Have an Hour

  • Take a Nature Walk: Spend an hour walking in nature, whether it’s in a nearby park, along a scenic trail, or by the beach. This is a great way to recharge your spirit.
  • Practice Yoga or Pilates: Dedicate an hour to practicing yoga or Pilates, focusing on gentle stretches, strengthening exercises, and mindful breathing to rejuvenate your body and calm your mind.
  • Enjoy a Relaxing Bath: Draw a warm bath with Epsom salts, essential oils, or bath bombs, and spend an hour soaking and unwinding, letting the stress and tension melt away.
  • Read a Book in a Cozy Corner: Settle down with a good book in a comfortable chair or on a cozy couch, allowing yourself to escape into a different world and enjoy some quiet relaxation.
  • Take a Nap: Allow yourself to indulge in a longer nap if you’re feeling tired, giving your body the rest it needs to replenish energy levels and feel rejuvenated.
  • Connect with a Friend: Go to Coffee or meet up with the type of friend that you can have deep meaningful conversations with that leave you feeling rejuvenated (not drained!)

You Have 3 or More Hours

  • Digital Detox: Unplug from technology for a few hours and disconnect from screens and devices. Instead, spend time reading a book, practicing yoga, taking a bubble bath, or simply enjoying quiet time alone or with loved ones.
  • Spa Retreat: Treat yourself to a luxurious spa retreat, either at a local spa or in the comfort of your own home. Enjoy a full-body massage, facial, body scrub, and other pampering treatments to rejuvenate your body and mind.
  • Meander Solo: Take a mini solo getaway to a nearby town or even in your own city. Explore local shops, parks, and cafes at your own pace, enjoying the freedom to do whatever you please without any obligations.


You Have 10 Minutes or Less

  • Apply a Face Mask: Treat yourself to a quick pampering session by applying a hydrating or soothing face mask to refresh and rejuvenate your skin. I love this one for glowy skin.
  • Enjoy a Cup of Tea or Coffee: Brew yourself a cup of your favorite tea or coffee, and take a moment to savor it while you relax and unwind. Or, if you feel like you need a little treat… go hit the closest coffee shop and get that chocolate croissant to go with it!
  • Spa Vibes at Home: Light the candle or diffuser. Put on some soothing music or nature sounds. Change into your coziest pajamas or loungewear. Make yourself some fresh lemon water, and just take a few minutes to chill.
  • Order DoorDash Delivery: If your baby is going through a particularly clingy phase and you have not had a chance to make yourself anything to eat since breakfast, then pick up that phone and treat yourself to lunch or dinner delivered to your door.

You Have an Hour

  • Luxurious Bath: Draw a warm bath with bubbles, bath salts, or bath oils, and soak for an extended period while you relax and unwind. Bonus points: pour yourself a glass of wine to go with it.
  • DIY Facial: Treat yourself to a DIY facial at home, complete with cleansing, exfoliating, masking, and moisturizing to rejuvenate your skin and promote a healthy glow. I listed out my glowy postpartum skincare routine here if you want to give it a try!
  • Manicure or Pedicure: This one is a love-hate for me. I personally hate going to get my nails done… anyone else? It feels like a chore to me. But what I hate more is doing my own nails, soooo lol. Currently, I’ve been doing natural nails on my hands, and gel pedicures on my toes so that I can go longer in between appointments. My trick is to just call ahead, see if they have time to take you, and throw in your AirPods to politely send a signal that you aren’t up for small talk.
  • Go Get a Blowout: Have a Drybar near you? Schedule an hour to go in and have someone else do the dreaded task of a full wash, blowout, and style all in under an hour!
  • Nap or Rest: Allow yourself to indulge in a longer nap or rest period if you’re feeling tired so you can allow your body to recharge.
  • Indulgent Treat: Enjoy an indulgent treat such as chocolates, pastries, or your favorite dessert, savoring each bite and allowing yourself to indulge in a moment of decadence. Feel like making something to enjoy all week long? Whip up a batch of my no-bake energy bites and keep them in the fridge for a daily treat all week!
  • Wine & Dine Yourself: Take yourself out for a little date, whether that be out to breakfast or coffee, to a wine bar to enjoy a glass of wine, to a movie at Cinepolis, or to your favorite sushi bar. I used to hate going to places alone before I became a mom… and now I’ve really grown to love it!

You Have 3 or More Hours

  • Spa Day: Treat yourself to a spa day at a local spa or create your own spa experience at home. Enjoy a full-body massage, facial, body scrub, and other luxurious treatments to pamper yourself from head to toe. Sip some champagne poolside while you relax in your spa robe for the ultimate treat. A great gift idea for yourself next time the holidays or Mother’s Day rolls around is a gift card to your fav spa!
  • Personal Styling Session: Schedule a personal styling session with a stylist to update your wardrobe, try on new outfits, and discover flattering styles that make you feel confident and beautiful.
  • Mom’s Getaway Retreat: If you can sneak away overnight, I’d highly suggest you plan a mini-retreat for yourself, complete with an overnight stay at a nearby resort, room service, a bubble bath, some wine and either a book or some TV shows you don’t normally have time to sit and enjoy. Unwind, disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and enjoy some quality time alone.

Socially Reconnected

You Have 10 Minutes or Less

  • Send a Text or Voice Message: Reach out to a friend or family member with a quick text or voice message to check in, share updates, or simply say hello and let them know you’re thinking of them.
  • Make a Phone Call: Take a few minutes to make a phone call to a friend or loved one for a quick catch-up conversation, providing an opportunity to reconnect and strengthen your bond.
  • Respond to Unanswered Texts: Hehe… I’m so guilty of forgetting to respond to people so sometimes I’ll sit down with a cup of coffee and just go through my text messages and respond to those I’ve accidentally forgotten to get back to. (IYKYK)
  • Schedule a Coffee Date: Plan a quick coffee date with a friend or fellow mom in the future.
  • Schedule Some Girl Time: One of the things I had to take better initiative on once I became a mom was not waiting to be invited to things, since I knew I wasn’t always available at any given day/time to meet up. Now, I’ll pick the days and times (and coordinate with my husband so he can watch Ruby) and proactively reach out to my friends to schedule something we could do together in the future for a time that DOES work for me.
  • Join a Social Networking Group: Join a social networking group or online community focused on topics or interests you’re passionate about, providing opportunities to connect with new people, share ideas, and engage in discussions.

You Have an Hour

  • Coffee or Wine Date: I absolutely love getting to catch up with a friend over a coffee or glass of wine. It’s just such a relaxing way to catch up! I just joined this wine club in Carlsbad called Carruth Cellars and each week they give me a free tasting for me and a guest of my choosing so it’s quickly become my weekly routine to invite a girlfriend (or my mom because she’s my BFF) out to go do something together for an hour.
  • Attend a Mom’s Group Meetup: Join a mom’s group to make new friends if you don’t have a whole lot of friends who have kids yet. It’s truly so amazing to have women in your life who are going through the journey with you. I just joined this outdoor fitness group for moms in North County San Diego called Fit4Moms and it’s an awesome way to meet other moms while getting a fun workout in!
  • Host a Game Night: Organize a game night with friends or family members. Play games, trivia, or board games together.
  • Plan a Book Club: Start a book club with friends or fellow moms. Select a book to read together and put together some discussion questions to go over with everyone. You can do this virtually or in person!
  • Take a Walk and Talk: Meet up with a friend for a leisurely walk in your neighborhood or a nearby park. Spend the hour walking and talking, enjoying each other’s company while getting some fresh air and exercise.
  • Take on a New Challenge with a Friend: One of my good friends and I decided to take on a daily challenge to declutter one area of our house every day together. She lives in a different town than me so it was something we’d just discuss over text each day and we’d send each other before and after pictures which was just so fun. A few other ideas: a squat challenge, a steps challenge, a meal prep challenge, etc)

You Have 3 or More Hours

  • Gourmet Cooking Class with Your Friends: Take a cooking class to learn new culinary skills, experiment with gourmet recipes, and indulge in delicious food and wine. A couple of my girlfriends and I recently went to a pasta-making class at Sur La Table’s and it was soo fun and something different to do together.
  • Host a Gathering: Plan and host a gathering at your home or a local venue for friends, family, or fellow moms. Whether it’s a brunch, potluck dinner, or game night, spending several hours together allows for relaxed and enjoyable socializing.
  • Attend a Workshop or Retreat: Sign up for a workshop, retreat, or seminar focused on a shared interest or hobby.
  • Take a Day Trip: Plan a day trip with friends or family members to explore a nearby city, town, or scenic destination. Go sightseeing, shopping, dining, and just enjoy each other’s company while creating lasting memories.
  • Host a Crafting Party: Invite friends over for a crafting party where you can work on creative projects together. Set up stations for different crafts, provide supplies, and spend several hours crafting, chatting, and enjoying each other’s company.
  • Take a Weekend Getaway: Plan a weekend getaway with friends or family members to a nearby destination. Whether it’s a beach trip, a cabin retreat, or a city escape, spending several days together allows for quality time, adventure, and bonding.

Prioritizing self-care as a mom is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for your well-being and the well-being of those around you. By carving out just a few moments for yourself, you can replenish your energy, boost your mood, and ultimately become a happier, more present parent, partner, and person. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish—it’s an act of self-love that benefits everyone. So go ahead, embrace these self-care activities, explore what works best for you, and don’t hesitate to share your own tips and ideas in the comments below. Together, let’s empower each other to thrive in motherhood and beyond.



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Hi, I'm Chloe.
The girl on the other side of this blog.

I'm a wife, proud mom to my Ruby Rose, and a sunny resident of Carlsbad, CA. When I'm not busy chasing the joys of motherhood, you'll find me in the company of my loyal sidekick, Ollie – my English Cream Golden Retriever, who has his own special spot in my heart. After countless friends and family members kept asking me where I got that unique piece or awesome dupe, I had a lightbulb moment – why not share all these discoveries with the world? That's how this blog came to life, where I spill on my latest finds and experiences as a new mom to inspire, connect, and make your life easier.

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